7th F1TENTH Autonomous Grand Prix
The 7th F1TENTH Autonomous Grand Prix is a virtual race. Just like a real Grand Prix, teams first qualify in order to determine seeding and then compete head-to-head in an intense battle of algorithms. Since vehicles and hardware are standardized, teams must develop robust perception, planning, and control algorithms that can deal with the uncertainties of a new track and new competitors. The qualifying phase is a timed trial. The Grand Prix phase pits virtual competitors against each other on the same track. The event timeline can be seen below and more information is available in the race guidelines document posted on the race website. When you are ready, register to enter your agent in the competition! Gift cards will be awarded to the winning teams.
Organizers and contact
Rahul Mangharam, University of Pennsylvania, rahulm@seas.upenn.edu
Madhur Behl, University of Virginia, madhur.behl@virginia.edu
Marko Bertogna, University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, marko.bertogna@unimore.it
Paolo Burgio, University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, paolo.burgio@unimore.it
Houssam Abbas, Oregon State University, houssam.abbas@oregonstate.edu
Venkat Krovi , Clemson University, vkrovi@clemson.edu
Matthew O'Kelly, University of Pennsylvania, mokelly@seas.upenn.edu
Hongrui Zheng, University of Pennsylvania, hongruiz@seas.upenn.edu
Kim Luong, University of Pennsylvania, kimluong@seas.upenn.edu
For any questions regarding the competition, please email contact@f1tenth.org.